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All I Need Page 30

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  Holly kept imagining Joe in the bath with her. He’d sit behind her, slowly running the cloth over her arms, then her chest. It would abrade her breasts and eventually land between her legs.

  Arrgh! She sat up fast, splashing water over the edge. And sighed heavily. What was she going to do about Joe? When she admitted to Greg she was in love with him yesterday, she became incredibly sad. She’d kicked Joe out of her life and got more and more depressed when she witnessed him with her kids at the fire house, and how he helped out and cared deeply for his grandparents. And now the dog. Who was the real Joe? The angry man of last weekend who smelled like a brewery? Or this loving gentle, person?

  You’d better decide, Holly. Or somebody else will snap up the loving, gentle person.

  Oh, great. The voice in her head made her feel worse.

  She climbed out of the tub and dried off. When she finished dressing, she returned to the living room. Joe sniffed. “Hmm, now you smell even better.”

  She looked at the dog. He was more awake now. “Want to turn him over?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  First, they eased him to his other side and groomed him there, then they slid the dirty blankets out from beneath him and put him on the foam bed Holly bought.

  “How about some coffee and something to eat?” she asked Joe.

  “That’d be great. I’m starved.”

  “Keep me company?”

  He came out to the kitchen and watched her fill the Keurig, brew him a cup, then grind the beans and put a pot on for them. She brought him the cup with cream and sugar.

  When she started making French toast, he said, “This is déjà vu.”

  She turned and there were tears in her eyes. “I had the same thought.”

  “If you’re crying, you might want to consider changing your mind.”

  “I-I’m already considering it.”

  “You are?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been vacillating all week. I also told Greg I was involved with someone else and we couldn’t date anymore.”

  “Are we still involved, Holly?”

  Now the tears streamed down her cheeks. He hadn’t seen her cry a lot, but these were big fat ones. “I want to try, Joe. I really want to try.”

  He quelled the urge to get up and go to her. This had to be her decision without any pressure. “What’s stopping you?”

  She said, honestly, “I don’t know anymore. I just don’t know.”

  He slid off the stool, went around the counter and gently took her in his arms, kissed her head. “That’s okay, love. We’ve got lots of time to figure this out.”


  * * *

  “Okay, Chance, don’t let her get it this time.” Joe threw the Frisbee in the grassy common area of their building, and Chance and Holly ran toward it.

  Since the dog, formally named Second Chance, for obvious reasons, was still limping, Holly slowed down and let him retrieve it. His big brown, and now alert eyes danced as he stared up at Holly with the saucer in his mouth.

  “I can see you’re much better at this, buddy.” She grinned at Joe after she spoke to the dog and his heart turned over in his chest. “I’ll have to up my game.”

  Joe grinned too. “How long before we have to get back to the campaign office?”

  “We said we’d be gone for two hours.”

  “Ah.” He raised his brows. “Think your mom’s gonna win?”

  “The Republican primary was a landslide. Maybe the special election will be, too.”

  They threw the Frisbee a few more times and Joe thought about being so happy. It had been an interesting few months. Holly had given him another chance, and he hadn’t blown it. They spent most of their free hours together, and he worked with her on the campaign for her mom. Joe was content, and Holly seemed to be, though commitment had not been discussed even once all summer.

  Holly caught the last Frisbee and ran toward Joe. He had enough time to plant his feet before she jumped into his arms. He whirled around, hugging her. She whispered in his ear, “We have time left. Want to spend it out here or...” she angled her head toward the condo “ my bed?”

  “Silly girl.”

  Joe carried Holly inside, Chance behind him. The dog settled into his space in the living room, and Joe strode down the hall to Holly’s bedroom, still carrying her. She was grateful for so many things, not the least of which was their tacit agreement on sex. Staying away from each other physically had proved impossible so when they wanted to, they made love. Sometimes it was fun and a little bit daring, often deep and intense. She adored it all. She’d go back to school soon and miss being with him on his days off.

  Unceremoniously, he dumped her on the bed. She laughed, kicked off her shoes and began to undress as he did. He finished first then knelt on the mattress to help her off with the rest her clothes.

  This time, the lovemaking was poignant and intense. Afterward, they lay breathless on the bed naked and sated.

  “You like the dog, right?” he asked out of the blue.

  That was the last—and least romantic—thing she’d expected. “Yeah, of course.”

  His expression turned serious. “People say having a dog is good preparation for having a baby.”

  Ah, she got it. She sat up and braced her arms over his chest. Staring into deep brown eyes she was sure she couldn’t live without, she said, “Are you asking me to be the mother of your child, Joe?”

  He kissed her nose, searched her face. “I am.”

  “Hmm. I haven’t heard the magic words to go with that.”

  “I love you.”

  “Nah, you told me that before.”

  Those eyes danced when he got the message. She was ready to commit. “Marry me, Holly.”

  She kissed him on the mouth and whispered. “Yes.”

  * * *

  “Whew!” Vanessa said as she and Chase returned to the campaign office in downtown Rockford ahead of everyone else. “Now it’s all over but the shouting.”

  “Well, we did a lot of shouting.” Chase sat in one of the more comfortable chairs and stretched out his legs. “You’re going to win, sweetheart.”

  “I hope so.” Vanessa looked happy and excited about the path she’d chosen. “Boy, we took a lot of risks.”

  “That we did. But you’ll be glad when you’re the state senator that everything’s out there.”

  Vanessa had refused to conceal her relationship with him. As soon as he recovered from the gunshot wound, they came clean with the kids. Before the campaign even started, she told Lou Barone about Chase and that she wasn’t sneaking around. Lou was shocked, but eventually went along with her. The constituents found out little by little as he campaigned for her, and as they were seen around town. They also gave a frank interview to the Rockford Sentinel and the scandal was so sweet, that it seemed to mellow the voters instead of the reverse. The opposite was true for her Democratic opponent.

  “Crane used our relationship against you.”

  “You know what, I think that might actually have helped me. Everybody loves a good romance.” She held up her hand which sported a lovely platinum gold band. “Especially after we got married.”


  She wrinkled her nose. “Still, Crane brought it up all the time. He called it conflict of interest and unethical.”

  “A lot of people don’t like mud-slinging, especially when you compare it to our honesty, which was refreshing for voters.”

  “You know, that seemed to be true.”

  “And your platform helped obscure his negative attacks, honey. The fiscal conservatism you lived out as mayor is attractive to voters who are hurting. The fact that you went after businesses and the one percent who were getting so much of a boon in the last tax bill helped you a lot.”

  Reaching over, she clasped his hand. “Even if I don’t win, Chase, I’ll never regret making us public.” After a few minutes, Vanessa glanced at the clock. “I wonder if any re
turns are in yet.”

  “It’s a bit early, so come sit on my lap before the crowds arrive. I’m fixin’ to give you a big smooch!”

  “Ah, that Southern slang is so sexy.”

  Chase drew Vanessa close and thanked God again that things had worked out for them. His mouth closed over hers lightly until she pressed her body into his.

  The door flew open. Kassie rushed inside and stopped short. “Oh, geez, they’re at it again.”

  “Kissy-facing.” This from Colette.

  Vanessa slid off his lap and stood. Kassie ran to her and hugged her tight. “You’re gonna win, Vanessa, I know it.”

  “I hope so, honey.”

  The girls had taken to her and to their marriage. She and Kassie had bonded when Kass was rescued, and the connection had only gotten deeper. Colette was still more attached to Melinda, and that was okay for now. Luckily, Melinda and Vanessa got along well.

  “Hey, Mom.” Holly entered the room, holding hands with Joe.

  Early on, Chase had had a long talk with Lieutenant Santori about his intentions and Joe assured Chase that he was madly in love with Holly and he planned to be Chase’s son—in-law as soon as Holly would have him. Since many firefighters’ sons and daughters had joined the department—including those of officers—Chase wasn’t worried about blowback.

  Holly hugged her mother, then Chase, then grinned. “I have a good feeling about this.”

  “Hold the thought.” Vanessa said. “Are Grandma and Grandpa coming over?”

  She checked the clock. “Soon.”

  A bit later, Chase turned on the TV. Returns were coming in. The election was close for most of the evening. By midnight, they were all gathered around the screen when WROC declared Vanessa the winner.

  The kids jumped up and screeched. Edward was the first to hug her, then Ella. She made her way to Chase, and threw herself at him. When she leaned back, she said, “So, how does it feel to be married to a state senator?”

  Looking around, remembering the difficult times this entire family had had, Chase whispered in her ear, “After all we’ve been through, darlin’, it feels mighty fine.”


  For notification of Kathryn’s new work and information about her books, be sure to sign up for her newsletter at

  Author’s Note

  * * *

  After all this time, I truly enjoyed writing another firefighter book. As you know, I released a five-book series last fall, To Serve and Protect, which follows the Secret Service and trauma doctors who protect us in a different way from what firefighters do. But with this new novel, I was excited to return to my guys and gals, as I call my firefighters.

  One thing that will stand out to you in ALL I NEED is the inclusion of two romances, equally developed. Including multiple storylines made this book a lot longer. But it was fun and challenging at the same time.

  I wonder which couple you liked best. I have to say Chase and Vanessa’s relationship development came as a surprise to me. I expected Holly and Joe to have an easier time working out their problems, but what happened was just the opposite. To me, Chase is simply wonderful. He doesn’t complain about the difficulties life has thrown at him, but instead, faces all obstacles head on. I love how sensitive he was with his grandkids, and how he treated Vanessa. She went head-to-head with him professionally until she comes to see the man he truly is. I hope Vanessa is a role model to women, which might seem odd in light of her affair. But it’s my belief that people make mistakes and can redeem themselves.

  As for Joe Santori, he was a hard guy to like. You probably felt like smacking him upside the head. But this is what happens to writers. Characters develop in ways contrary to your plans for them and to intervene in that process usually doesn’t work out well. Besides, Joe did have good qualities that Holly comes to see in the last chapters: he’s grown up since book one, he treats his grandparents with love and reverence now, he is adorable with kids. And man, that dog scene! Was he great or what? So I hope, in the end, you were rooting for Joe.

  Holly also turned out differently from what I expected. At first she’s over-the-top about making her grandparents happy, and she gives her father too much control over her life. And she has low-self esteem because of Linc. But she learns to stand up for herself, even if she does get a bit hard-headed with Joe, primarily because she’s afraid of her feelings for him. Until the end. How about that epilogue? I swooned when I wrote it. (Hopefully, this is the only time you’ll see me use the word swoon.)

  I hope you enjoyed this complicated book. It was long in coming because of those complications, but I’m pleased with end result. Let me know if you are too.

  Kathy Shay

  Visit or Contact Kathryn at

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  Don’t miss the rest of the books in the ROCKFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT series.


  She saves him from a fire, then steals his heart without even trying. When white hot attraction kicks in, sparks fly!


  She’s the only woman he can’t charm. He’s the only man she can never love.


  He was the most upstanding lieutenant in the department, until he made a critical error in judgement that almost ended his career. And she’s a mistake just waiting to happen.


  She’s a feisty counselor of troubled teens. He’s the fire department psychologist who’s trying to outrun his demons. They clash at every turn.

  Another Firefighter Series

  After The Fire ––After being trapped in a fire, the Malvaso brothers and sister decide to make changes in their lives. Follow Mitch Malvaso as he struggles to get closer to his kids and out of a doomed marriage. Jenn, his sister, wants to have a baby and asks Grady O’Connor, her best friend, to be the father.

  On the Line ––Fire Chief Noah Callahan and Albany Fire Investigator Eve Woodward butt heads while she investigates the cause of accidents at Hidden Cove fire scenes. Who knew they’d fall in love? And watch Zach Malvaso become the kind of man he wants to be with feisty firefighter Casey Brennan.

  Nothing More to Lose ––Injured 9/11 firefighter, Ian Woodward (Eve’s twin), and a disgraced cop, Rick Ruscio, struggle to salvage their lives with the help of the women who love them.

  America’s Bravest—Six Novellas

  The men and women on another Rescue Squad in the Hidden Cove Fire Department have complicated personal relationships due to the nature of their jobs. Each of the six novellas details the love and work of one firefighter, but the stories are tied together with an arson case and a blogger out to discredit them.

  It Had to Be You ––Beckett Sloan is an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran who comes home with PTSD. He joins the fire department and finds the love of his life in army nurse Lela Allen, but his demons keep them apart.

  Chasing the Fire—Three Novellas

  In another set of novellas, CHASING THE FIRE, the past catches up with three brave firefighters and they must wrestle with it to find love and contentment.

  THE FIRE INSIDE —Fire Department Psychologist Jack Harrison has spent his life helping firefighters in Hidden Cove deal with a variety of personal and professional issues. Now, after a one night stand with Tess Righetti from the Rockford Fire Department, he needs help in dealing with this feisty Captain.

  A BURNING PASSION —Dan Collins and Lucy Coretta have been friends for years. But when he divorced his wife, they finally find each other. But their whole life is thrown off balance when he inherits a boatload of money, which brings problems from his ex-wife.

  About The Author

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  A NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling author, Kathryn Shay has been a lifelong writer and teacher. Sh
e has written dozens of self-published original romance titles, print books with the Berkley Publishing Group and Harlequin Enterprises and mainstream women’s fiction with Bold Strokes Books. She has won five RT Book Reviews awards, four Golden Quills, four Holt Medallions, the Bookseller’s Best Award, Foreword Magazine’s Book of the Year and several “Starred Reviews.” Her novels have been serialized in COSMOPOLITAN magazine and featured in USA TODAY, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL and PEOPLE magazine. There are over seven million copies of her books in print, along with three million downloaded online. Reviewers have called her work “emotional and heart-wrenching.”

  For notification of Kathryn’s new work and information about her books, be sure to sign up for her newsletter at